Studio Instructions

Soon after booking, you’ll receive an email with instructions to download Securitas Flow application on your phone.

Once you’ve installed the application, you’ll be able to open the downstairs door (Mäkelänkatu 52B) in to the building as well as the door to the studios located on the second floor. The door is marked with a Kobra sign.

The studio doors have a lock that can be opened using the code 223321. Same code applies to the Lounge.

Wifi (Kobra) password: 22332121

See below drawing to locate the studio you’ve booked. The studio doors are marked with the name of the studio.

Studio Rules

  1. Leave the studio in a tidy condition after using.
  2. No smoking inside.
  3. Take good care of the equipment and furniture. If you break it you pay for it.
  4. Do not stay overtime unless agreed on. Otherwise you will be fined.
  5. Do not remove anything from the studios. If something is missing, let the staff know.

If there are any problems at the studio (eg. the studio is untidy, something is missing) please let us know as soon as possible via email or phone.


Phone: +358 451 382 305